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Acetaminophen, aspirin, and codeine.
Codeine - Wikipedia, the free.
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Acetaminophen With Codeine Liquid Drug Facts. Acetaminophen with codeine liquid syrup is a prescription medication used to treat pain and cough. It contains codeine
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smoking codeine with acetaminophen
Acetaminophen-Codeine #3 300-30mg Tablets.Acetaminophen/Codeine | Drug Information.
Tylenol with Codeine Effects
Acetaminophen With Codeine Liquid Drug.
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Find information about the drug Acetaminophen/Codeine in the Health Library.
Due to the controlled nature of this medication, we are not able to accept prescriptions faxed or emailed by patients. The original prescription MUST be mailed to us.
Answers to your most frequently asked questions (FAQs) on Tylenol with Codeine, Acetaminophen/Codeine (generic).
Tylenol with Codeine No.2, No.3, No.4 -.

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